John Lennon


John Lennon

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Written by John Winston Lennon

Key:  C More
Imagine Key GG
Imagine Key G#G#
Imagine Key AA
Imagine Key A#A#(one step down)
Imagine Key BB(half step down)
Imagine Key CC(original key)
Imagine Key C#C#(half step up)
Imagine Key DD(one step up)
Imagine Key D#D#
Imagine Key EE
Imagine Key FF
Imagine Key F#F#

Intro: ( C Cmaj7 F) 2x        
C       Cmaj7      F             
Imagine there's no heaven        
C          Cmaj7  F           
It's easy if you try        
C  Cmaj7  F             
No hell below us        
C          Cmaj7 F        
  Above us only sky        
F         Am/E      Dm    Dm/C        
  Imagine all the people        
G      G11         G7        
Living for today,  ah-ha        
C       Cmaj7      F             
Imagine there's no countries        
C        Cmaj7   F             
It isn't hard to do        
C          Cmaj7   F            
Nothing to kill or die for        
C        Cmaj7  F      
And no religion too        
F         Am/E    Dm7/C       
  Imagine all the people        
G         G11  G7        
Living life in peace        
F            G             C    Cmaj7   E   F       
   You, may say that I'm a dreamer        
F          G            C    Cmaj7   E     F    
   But I'm not the only one        
F             G          C       Cmaj7   E    F       
   I hope someday you'll join us        
F          G          C                
   And the world will live as one        
C       Cmaj7  F            
Imagine no possessions        
C        Cmaj7  F             
I wonder if you can        
C           Cmaj7    F         
No need for greed or hunger        
C        Cmaj7   F        
A brotherhood of man        
F         Am/E    Dm7       
  Imagine all the people        
G          G11  G7        
Sharing all the world        
F            G             C      Cmaj7   E   F       
   You, may say that I'm a dreamer        
F          G            C    Cmaj7   E   F       
   But I'm not the only one        
F             G          C      Cmaj7   E   F       
   I hope someday you'll join us        
F          G          C        
   And the world will live as one

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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