
Friendly Fire


keyboards Intermediate intermediate


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Friendly Fire


Intro: A F#m C#m   x4 

verse 1: 
A          F#m 
  Walked beyond 
the fence 
played outside 
F#m A 
our yard 
You took 
   C#m F#m 
it hard 
  Through a 
F#m     C#m 
one way door 
hinged high 
F#m A 
on  doubt 
   F#m    C#m F#m 
No ins no outs 

Refrain 1: 
Bm  C#m     D 
  I like my clothes 
Bm      C#m     D 
  Don't want to grow 
Bm     C#m   D 
  I'll wait around 
Bm      C#m     D 
  until you say go 

verse 2: 
A     F#m 
  The lights 
were off 
       F#m A 
when I got home 
Black room 
     C#m  F#m 
blue phone 
A       F#m 
  Hey I know 
your name 
Weren't we 
  F#m  A 
almost friends? 
      F#m    C#m  F#m 
Guess that depends 

Refrain 2: 
Bm          C#m D 
  Take some benefit 
Bm     C#m      D 
  with all your doubt 
Bm           C#m   D 
  If this is principle 
Bm    C#m      D 
  I'm dropping out 
E F#m D You demonize A you don't D look so bad E F#m D You wouldn't take A what you couldn't D E F#m have My back is D A warm with your D friendly fire E F#m I know you're D trying Could C#m you please aim D it higher? Bm you please aim D(hold) it higher?
Post Chorus: A F#m C#m x4 verse 3: A F#m C#m So alone I wrote F#m A I wrote this will F#m C#m F#m I will decline A F#m C#m This fish ain't big F#m A This pond is small F#m C#m F#m So small of mind (Repeat Refrain 1)
E F#m D You demonize A you don't D look so bad E F#m D You wouldn't take A what you couldn't D E F#m have My back is D A warm with your D friendly fire E F#m I know you're D trying Could C#m you please aim D it higher? Bm you please aim D(hold) E D E D(hold) it higher?

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