Iced Earth

Melancholy Holy Martyr

Iced Earth

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Melancholy Holy Martyr


Intro Dm  C Bb x2 

Dm                      C     Bb                  Dm 
  Make the sadness go away    Come back another day 
                         C                 Bb            Dm  
For years I've tried to teach   But their eyes are empty 
                      C     Bb               Dm 
Empty, too, I have become   For them I must die 
                    C           Bb                    Dm  
A sad and troubled race   An ungrateful troubled place 

Dm C I see the sadness in their eyes Dm Melancholy in their cries C Devoid of all the passion Dm The human spirit cannot die C Look at the pain around me Dm This is what I cry for C Look at the pain around me Dm _ This is what I'll die for
Intro x1 Verse Dm C Bb Dm Make the sadness go away Come back another day C Bb Dm The things I've said and done Don't matter to anyone C Bb Dm But still, you push me to see Something I can never be C Bb Dm Why am I their shattered king I don't mean anything
Dm I see the sadness... etc. Dm C Dm I see the sadness in their eyes Melancholy in their cries C Dm Devoid of all the passion The human spirit cannot die Look at the... etc
Solo Dm C Bb x2 Chorus Dm I see the sadness... x2 Solo Chorus

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