Tim Buckley

Phantasmagoria In Two

Tim Buckley

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Phantasmagoria In Two

Year: 2001 - Album: Tim Buckley/Goodbye and Hello

Written by Tim Buckley


Bm      A                 G        Bm 
If a fiddler played you a song, my love 
        A          G        Bm 
And if I gave you a wheel 
         G           A         D     Em 
Would you spin for my heart and loneliness 
         Bm   A      G       Bm 
Would you spin for my love 

            A          G        Bm 
If I gave up all of my pride for you 
        A             G      Bm 
And only loved you for now  
         G       A         D     Em 
Would you hide my fears and never say 
       Bm  A    G     Bm 
Tomorrow I  must go  

G        A             Bm 
And everywhere there's rain, my love 
G    A             Bm 
Everywhere there's fear 


                A         G       Bm 
If you tell me a lie, I'll cry for you 
          A            G        Bm 
Tell me of sin and I'll laugh  
      G          A       D           Em 
If you tell me of all the pain you've had 
      Bm    A     G      Bm 
I'll never smile again  

G        A             Bm 
And everywhere there's rain, my love 
G    A             Bm 
Everywhere there's fear 

             A            G          Bm 
I can plainly see that our parts have changed 
         A            G        Bm 
Our sands our shifting around_____ 
      G      A       D        Em 
Need I beg to you for one more day 
       Bm  A      G       Bm 
To find our lonely love 

G        A             Bm 
And everywhere there's rain, my love 
G    A             Bm 
Everywhere there's fear 

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