Richard Marx

Right here waiting

Richard Marx

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Right here waiting

Written by Richard N Marx

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C G Am Am/G !-------3-3-3-1-0---!-----------0-1-0-!---------------0-! !-----1-----------3-!-------3-3-------!-----1-1---3---1-! !---0---------------!-----0-----------!---2---------2-2-! !-------------------!---0-------------!-----------0-----! !-3---------3-------!---------2-------!-0---------------! !-------------------!-3---------------!---------3-----1-! Fmaj7 G C G !-0-------------------!-------3-3-1-0---!-----------0-1-0-! !-1-3-(3)-1-(1)-0-----!-----1---------3-!-------3-3-------! !-2---------------2-0-!---0-------------!-----0-----------! !----------- 3--------!-----------------!---0-------------! !---------------------!-3---------------!---------2-------! !-1---------------3---!---------3-------!-3---------------! Am F G Am !-------------0-1-!---0-------------!-----------0-0-! !-----1-1---3-----!-------3---1-0-1-!-------0-0-1-1-! !---2-------------!-----2-----------!-----2-2-2-2-2-! !-----------------!-----------------!---2---2-2-2-2-! !-0---------------!-----------------!-0-------------! !---------3-------!-1-------3-------!---------------!
Cadd9 Fadd9 Dm7add4 Gsus4 G C Oceans apart day after day and I slowly go insane. Fadd9 Dm7add4 G/B Am I hear your voice on the line, but it doesn't stop the pain. Fsus2/D Am Fsus2/D Fsus2/G If I see you next to never, how can we say forever. C G G/B Am Wherever you go, whatever you do, Am/G Fmaj7 G C I will be right here waiting for you. C G G/B Am Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks, Am/G F G Am I will be right here waiting for you. Cadd9 Fadd9 Dm7add4 Gsus4 G C I took for granted all the times that I thought would last somehow. Fadd9 Dm7add4 G/B Am I hear the laughter, I taste the tears, but I can't get near you now. Fsus2/D Am Fsus2/D Fsus2/G Oh can't you see it, Baby, you've got me going crazy. C G G/B Am Wherever you go, whatever you do, Am/G Fmaj7 G C I will be right here waiting for you. C G G/B Am Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks, Am/G F G Fsus2/D I will be right here waiting for you. C/E Fadd2 I wonder how we can survive this romance. Fsus2/D C/E Fadd2 Gsus4 G/B But in the end if I'm with you, I'll take the chance. Cifras e Tablaturas por Roberto Max Ferreira - [email protected] "Ju, minha coelhinha, Te adooooro!"

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