Peter, Paul & Mary

San Francisco Bay Blues

Peter, Paul & Mary

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San Francisco Bay Blues

Written by Jesse Fuller

	  		B7       E                        A          Edim    E     E7 
I got the blues when my baby left me down by the Frisco Bay; 
    A          F#m      Cdim       E   E7         
An ocean liner came and took her away. 
    A                       B7              E          G#m  C#m 
I didn't mean to treat her bad, she was the best gal I ever had; 
She said good-bye, made me cry, 
 B7           F#7          B7 
Made me wanna lay down my head and die. 
B7 E A Edim E E7 Well I ain't got a nickel, and I ain't got a lousy dime?, A F#m Cdim G#7 She don't come back, I think I'm gonna lose my mind. A B7 E G#7 C#7 She ever comes back to stay, it's gonna be another brand new day, A B7 E Cdim B7 Walkin' with my baby by the San Francisco Bay.
Bridge: E A Edim E A Edim E Well, I'm sittin' here on the back porch, don't know which way to go; A F#m G#7 The gal that I'm so crazy about, she don't love me anymore. A Cdim F#m E G#m C#m Think I'm gonna take a freight train, 'cause I'm feelin' blue, F#7 C#m7/5- F#7 B7 F#7 B7 Gonna ride it to the end of the line, thinkin' only of you.
B7 E A Edim E E7 Well I ain't got a nickel, and I ain't got a lousy dime?, A F#m G#7 She don't come back, I think I'm gonna lose my mind. A B7 E G#7 C#7 She ever comes back to stay, it's gonna be another brand new day, A B7 E Cm7/5- C#7 Walkin' with my baby by the San Francisco Bay, A B7 E Fdim(IV) C#7 Walkin' with my baby by the San Francisco Bay, A B7 E A7 Am7 E6 Walkin' with my baby by the San Francisco Bay.

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