Paula Abdul

Straight Up

Paula Abdul

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Straight Up

Year: 2007 - Album: Greatest Hits: Straight Up!

Written by Elliot Wolff

	  		(Verse 1:) 

Dm        Bb 
Lost in a dream 
             Gm    A      Dm 
I don't know which way to go 
   Dm                   Bb 
If you are all that you seem 
                Gm     A       Dm 
Then, baby, I'm movin' way too slow 
I've been a fool before 
Wouldn't like to get my love 
Caught in the slammin' door 
How about some information, please? 

Dm Straight up, now tell me Bb Do you really wanna love me forever C Dm Or am I caught in a hit-and-run? Dm Straight up, now tell me Bb Is it gonna be you and me together C Dm Or are you just havin' fun?
(Verse 2:) Dm Bb Time's standing still Gm A Dm Waiting for some small clue Dm Bb I keep getting chills Gm A Dm When I think your love is true Gm I've been a fool before Dm Wouldn't like to get my love Gm Caught in the slammin' door Dm How about some information, please? (Repeat Chorus) (Bridge 1:) Dm Bb You are so hard to read C You play hide-and-seek Dm With your true intentions Dm Bb If you're only playin' games C I'll just have to say Dm A b-b-b-bye, b-b-b-bye (Bridge 2:) Dm Do, do you love me? Bb (Do you love me, baby?) C Do, do you love me? Dm (Do you love me? Hey, baby) Dm Do, do you love me? Bb (Do you love me, baby?) C Do, do you love me? Dm (Do you love me?) Tell me, baby Gm I've been a fool before Dm Wouldn't like to get my love Gm Caught in the slammin' door Are you more than hot for me Dm Gm Or am I a page in your history book? Dm I don't mean to make demands But the word and the deed Gm Go hand in hand Dm How about some information, please? (Repeat Chorus until fade)

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