Lucy Rose

Our Eyes

Lucy Rose

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Our Eyes

	  		Verso 1 
I'm alive 
I feel it now 
C                F 
I never knew I'll find it on you 
Fmaj7         G 
Out of line we got ourselves 
C            F                   (Fmaj7) 
In a look, wait we are not fine  
G                   C            (F) 
Wait, you are not mine! 

Fmaj7 We find our eyes stuck looking at G Our eyes are making out C F We're not made for this Fighting love Fmaj7 Our eyes stuck looking at G Our eyes are making out C F We're too close to be out of touch! (Fmaj7) G Ooh oh (C) F Out of touch
Verso 2 Fmaj7 G Lay away, silent corner C F Side by side, we follow our minds Fmaj7 G Walk it on, then we trip C F (Fmaj7) On the line, wait we are not fine G C (F) Wait, you are not mine!
Fmaj7 We find Our eyes stuck looking at G Our eyes are making out C F We're not made for this Fighting love Fmaj7 Our eyes stuck looking at G Our eyes are making out C F We're too close to be out of touch! Fmaj7 Our eyes stuck looking at G Our eyes are making out C F We're not made for this Fighting love Fmaj7 Our eyes stuck looking at G Our eyes are making out C F We're too close to be out of touch!
Bridge Fmaj7 I can't stay low Fmaj7 I'm always glad when we wake up Fmaj7 I'm just as there as you Fmaj7 So, when we wake up Fmaj7 I can't stay low Fmaj7 I'm always glad when we wake up Fmaj7 I'm just as there as you
Fmaj7 So, when we wake up Fmaj7 Our eyes stuck looking at G Our eyes are making out C F We're not made for this Fighting love Fmaj7 Our eyes stuck looking at G Our eyes are making out C F We're too close to be out of touch! Fmaj7 Our eyes stuck looking at G Our eyes are making out C F We're not made for this Fighting love Fmaj7 Our eyes stuck looking at G Our eyes are making out C F We're too close to be out of touch! (Fmaj7) G C Oh oh, out of touch F (Fmaj7) Oh oh, out of touch G C (F) Out of touch

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