Jon Bellion

To My Future Wife

Jon Bellion

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To My Future Wife

Written by Jon Bellion


verse 1 

Open up the doors in the back of the church  
Eminor             D 
And they all rise, they all rise  
Take a couple steps of my breath in a dress  
Eminor             D 
That is all white, it's all white  
G                        Eminor D 
As your father lets you go  
G                        Eminor D 
He will whisper soft and slow  

G Eminor D Walk towards love, yeah G Eminor D Walk towards love, yeah G Walk towards love
verse 2 G This money's gonna come And this money's gonna go Eminor D But that's alright, that's alright G 'Cause everything could fall down Everything could go Eminor D But it's all fine, it's all fine G Eminor D They say love's a winding road G Eminor D But it's simple if we both
G Eminor D Walk towards love, yeah G Eminor D Walk towards love, yeah G Walk towards love
verse 3 G Even the philosophers know, it's a fact Eminor D That we all die, we all die G I know you're an angel E minor So if they call you back in a short time D A short time G Eminor D And you leave me in this life G Eminor D I will follow close behind
G Eminor D Walk towards love, yeah G Eminor D Walk towards love, yeah G Walk towards love G Eminor D Walk towards love, yeah G Eminor D Walk towards love, yeah G Walk towards love

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