
Place Your Love




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Place Your Love

Written by Per Gessle

 Verse 1:  
     D        C  
    Sunday,  sick  of  my  tears,  
     G                                             D  
    Monday  morning  I  could  have  felt  much  better.  *1  
     D         C  
    Tuesday,  you're  in  my  way,  
        G                                          D  
    I  whish  you  would've  typed  my  heart  a  letter. *1  
D C G Place your love, in my world. It's for you, D It's all (made) for you. D C G I need time, a lot of time. To get you, D G D out of my mind. ( get you off my mind)
*2 Verse 2: D C Wednesday, nothings okay, G D Thursday afternoon I whish I was sleeping. *1 D C Friday, Saturday Sun, G D getting up early but I can't get nothing done. *1 Chorus a: D C G Place your love, in my world. It's for you, D It's all (made) for you. D C G I need time, a lot of time. To get you, D G D out of my mind. ( get you off my mind) *2 Chorus b: D A G D A G Maybe you'll come here, maybe we'll disapear. D G D A Maybe the clouds I see will turn to flowers in the air. D A G D A G These cool vibrations, are hitting me all the time. D G D A You got me digging and diving in the garden of my mind.

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