Jethro Tull

Minstrel in the gallery

Jethro Tull

cavaco Beginner beginner

by  MAX(BA)

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Minstrel in the gallery

Year: 1975 - Album: Bursting Out: Jethro Tull Live

Written by Ian Anderson/Martin Barre

	  		A       Am           C   F  G             D              G A  
The minstrel in the gallery looked down upon the smiling faces.  
 F           C                     F G  
He met the gazes --- observed the spaces  
 D                      G A  
between the old men's cackle.  
A           Am        C      F  G  
He brewed a song of love and hatred  
     G             D              G A  
--- oblique suggestions --- and he waited.  
F      C          F  G  C            F C      G  
He polarized the pumpkin-eaters --- static-humming  
  G          C  
  panel-beaters ---  
F      C            F    G      C  
freshly day-glow'd factory cheaters  
G             D              G A  
  (salaried and collar-scrubbing).  
He titillated men-of-action --- belly warming, hands  
  still rubbing on the parts they never mention.  
He pacified the nappy-suffering, infant-bleating  
  one-line jokers --- T.V. documentary makers  
  (overfed and undertakers).  
Sunday paper backgammon players --- family-scarred  
  and women-haters.  
        F          C      F   G    C  
Then he called the band down to the stage  
     F             Em      Dm     Am Am/G Am/F#  F    A  
and he looked at all the friends he'd made.  


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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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