Fitz And The Tantrums


Fitz And The Tantrums

cavaco Easy easy


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Intro / Verses: 
F G Am G  
F G Em C G 

F                 G     Am           G 
Don't come back anytime I've already had your kind. 
F               G       Em      C G 
This is your pay back, money grabber. 

F                 G     Am           G 
Don't come back anytime you've already run me dry. 
F               G       Em      C G 
This is your pay back, money grabber. 

Teardrops fade. 
Then I saw, blue hands in the pocket. 
'Cause you were always made to want it all.  
But now you got to make it on your own. 
This ain't your home.  
Em                               F                     
So I'm showing you the door. 
Wave goodbye now, it's time for you to go. 

F                 G     Am           G 
Don't come back anytime I've already had your kind. 
F               G       Em      C G 
This is your pay back, money grabber. 

F                 G     Am           G 
Don't come back anytime you've already run me dry. 
F               G       Em      C G 
This is your pay back, money grabber. 

Blue rhinestone glass.  
All I see. 
You talking double. 
Like the time you set fire to me. 
'Cause I'm in trouble.  
Here's my advice . 
Em              F                                G 
I don't think twice for the price of a cheap time whore . 

F                 G     Am           G 
Don't come back anytime I've already had your kind. 
F               G       Em      C G 
This is your pay back, money grabber. 

F                 G     Am           G 
Don't come back anytime you've already run me dry. 
F               G       Em      C G
This is your pay back, money grabber. 

F    G 

Am          F    G 
One. Two. Three.  
One is for the money. 
Two is for the greed . 
And three times that I told you you're the one, 
I just don't need . 

F                 G     Am           G 
Don't come back anytime I've already had your kind. 
F               G       Em      C G 
This is your pay back, money grabber. 

F                 G     Am           G 
Don't come back anytime you've already run me dry. 
F               G       Em      C G 
This is your pay back, money grabber. 

Money grabber. 
Money grabber  
Don't come back anytime, I've already had your kind. 

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