Eric Andersen

Blue River

Eric Andersen


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Blue River

Written by Eric Andersen

	  		F Bb F 
Dm      F         G  Bb 
Old man go to the river 
C           A7       Dm   F7 
To drop his bale of woes 
Bb       G        F      Dm   
He could go if he wanted to 
Bb          G7      F       Dm   G7  
It's just a boat to row you know    listen to me now 
F          Bb            F   C        
Blue River keep right on rollin 
    A7        Dm        F7 
All along the shore line 
Bb      C7             F   C         Dm 
Keep us safe from the deep and  the dark 
         Bb                      F    Bb     F   
Cause we don't want to stray too far 
Dm        F           G      Bb 
Spent the day with my old dog Mo 
C       A7       Dm   F7 
Down an old dirt road 
Bb        G             F      Dm 
What he's thinking lord I don't know 
Bb          G                 F     Dm 
But for him bet the time must go so slow 
Don't you know 
F          Bb            F   C        
Blue River keep right on rollin 
    A7        Dm        F7 
All along the shore line 
Bb      C7             F   C         Dm 
Keep us safe from the deep and  the dark 
         Bb                      F    Bb     F   
Cause we don't want to stray too far 
Harmonica break 
Dm        F               G         Bb 
Young Rob stands with his ax in his hand 
 C                 A7        Dm  F7 
Believin that the crops are in 
Bb        G       F      Dm              
Fire wood stacked ten by ten 
Bb                         G           
For the wife the folks the kids 
F          Dm        G7 
All of the kin and a friend  listen to me now 
F          Bb            F   C        
Blue River keep right on rollin 
    A7        Dm        F7 
All along the shore line 
Bb      C7             F   C         Dm 
Keep us safe from the deep and  the dark 
         Bb                      F    Bb     F   
Cause we don't want to stray too far 
  From Eric Andersen  "Blue River LP" 
  Columbia Records  1972 
  copyright 1971 by Wind And Sand Music. 

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