The White Buffalo

I Got You

The White Buffalo

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I Got You

It ain't about your bitching or your devil's tongue  
       D                                   Em  
I just wish that I was still the one  
Em                C              D         G  
Every single thought inside my head  
                        C          D          G  
Telling me that this old heart is dead  
                C        D                  Em  
But I ain't got no brains in my heart  

But I got you  
         Em                G  
In my veins, in my blood  
I got you  
                  Em                        G  
Make me insane and boil my blood  
                 C                  G  
Like there ain't no other love  
C                               G  
Hearts aren't always red  
                             Em   C  
They're black and blue  
But I got you  

    Em                                                     G  
It ain't about the dishes or your piles of junk  
             D                         Em  
I'm just sick of you being drunk  
                       C         D         G  
Every solitary bone inside of me  
                         C       D          G  
Telling me that it's my time to leave  
                C        D                  Em  
But I ain't got no bones in my heart  

I got you  
          Em              G  
In my veins, in my blood  
I got you  
                       Em             G  
Straight to my heart like a flood  
                 C                   G  
Like there ain't no other love  
C                               G  
Hearts aren't always red  
                             Em   C   D  
They're black and blue  
        Am   G    
I got yo....u  
         G    D    Em  
I got yo....o......u 

You can't touch the way I feel  
          D                               G          Em  
There is no end to what I'd steal for you  
With love we have no free will  
      D                                        G              Em  
We only get one heart to fill befo...ore it's through  

So I got you  
          Em              G  
In my veins, in my blood  
I got you  
                       Em             G  
Straight to my heart like a flood  
                 C                   G  
Like there ain't no other love  
C                               G  
Hearts aren't always red  
                             Em   C   D  
They're black and blue  
I got you  


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