
Blue Side Of The Mountain


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Blue Side Of The Mountain

Capo on 2nd fret

Intro Riff: (Continues throughout the song on the verses)  

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e---x---x---x---x---x---x----------------------------| B---3---3---3---3---3---3----------------------------| G---2---2---2---2---2---2----------------------------| D---0---0---0---0---0---0----------------------------| A---0---0---0---3p0-3p0-0----------------------------| D---0---0---0---0---0---3p0--------------------------|
Verse: D There's a place in a piney hollow D That no one but me can find D Some Choctaw built it in the hillside F G D Stone by stone in a simpler time D It's a holy place, my daddy showed me D Back before this land of mine G F D On the blue side of the mountain F G D Where the sun don't ever shine
G F D So deep and dark like a hurtin' down in my heart G Maybe somethin' there will show me some kind of sign G F D On the blue side of the mountain F G D Where the sun don't ever shine
Remaning verses/choruses are the same as above... Instrumental Breaks are based of the verses... I'm going back to a world of shadow Gotta find some peace, for I lose my mind On the blue side of the mountain Where the sun don't ever shine So deep and dark like a hurtin' down in my heart Maybe somethin' there will show me some kind of sign On the blue side of the mountain Where the sun don't ever shine Where the sun don't ever shine

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