Small Faces

The Hungry Intruder

Small Faces



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The Hungry Intruder

	  		D       G  D    G 
Here am I, Tiny Fly 
D     G          D          C   G  Bb  
May I share your Shepherd's Pie?  
D       A            D       G  
What is this strange voice I hear? 
D      G   D         G 
Here I am, look this way 
D      G         D       C   G  Bb 
In the landscape on your tray 
A                  G 
There's no need to ask a silly question 
A               G   
If I were you I hope you'd do the same 
A                    G 
There's no doubt I'd help a hungry fly 
A                        G 
To see you in a fix it's really such a shame 
I'm so hungry I could die 
And now I'll a living fly 
My name is Stan I'm on a quest 
Take your fill, take nothing less 
Instrumental verse 
I am that, that am I 
And now I'll be a living fly 
By: José Duarte 
[email protected] 


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