Sara Watkins

Say So

Sara Watkins

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Say So

Written by Sara Watkins

Key:  Am More
Say So Key EmEm
Say So Key FmFm
Say So Key F#mF#m
Say So Key GmGm(one step down)
Say So Key G#mG#m(half step down)
Say So Key AmAm(original key)
Say So Key A#mA#m(half step up)
Say So Key BmBm(one step up)
Say So Key CmCm
Say So Key C#mC#m
Say So Key DmDm
Say So Key D#mD#m
verse 1 

Enough is enough 
Come back to us 
We can't have lost you yet 
We can't have lost you yet 
The flame in your eyes 
Is dimmed by this disguise 
That you've had on too long 
Yeah, you kept it on too long 

Am                        Em 
But the flame's not gone 
Not if you say so 

C Home, home is where you say it is F Deep, deep as you can dig for it Am F G When you're ready to begin, say so C Am Bb Just say so
C Am Bb verse 2 Am Hands spin around the clock F But one day they will stop C And you're running headlong in G Racing to your end Am Well, time is yours to burn F But the key is yours to turn C Some will watch and wait G Em Free of mistakes Pre-Chorus G But what do they know? G Oh, what do they know?
C Home, home is where you say it is F Deep, deep as you can dig for it Am Em G When you're ready to begin, say so C Show, show yourself the way to live F Hear, hear the words from your own lips Am Em G Tell yourself you're up for this, say so
C F Am Em G
C Home, home is where you say it is F Deep, deep as you can dig for it Am Em G When you're ready to begin, say so C Show, show yourself the way to live F Hear, hear the words from your own lips Am Em G Tell yourself you're up for this, say so
Outro C Am Bb Just say so C Am Bb Say so, say so, say so C Am Bb Haven't lost you yet, haven't lost you yet C Am Bb Haven't lost you yet, haven't lost you yet C Am Bb C Say so, say so, Am Bb C just say so, say so Am Bb C

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