David Crowder Band

After All (holy)

David Crowder Band

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After All (holy)


C#                           Bbm                   F#            Ab                           C# 
I can't comprehend your infinitely beautiful and perfect love 
                                   Bbm                 F#                        Ab           Bbm 
Oh I've dreamed dreams of majesty as brilliant as a billion stars 
But they're never bright enough after all 

Bbm F# C# Ab You are Ho - - ly Bbm F# C# Ab Ho - - ly Bbm F# C# Ab Ho - - ly Bbm F# C# Ab Ho - - ly C# Ho - ly
VERSE 2: C# Bbm F# Ab C# I will sing a song for you my God with everything I have in me Ab But it's never loud enough after all BRIDGE: F# C# Bbm Ab Heaven and earth are full, full of your glory, glory F# C# Bbm Ab My soul it overflows full of your glory, your glory F# C# Bbm Ab Oh blessed is he who reigns, full of your glory, your glory F# C# Bbm Ab My cup, it can't contain all of your glory, your glory F# C# F# Ab Hosanna we are found after all you are

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