Alice in Chains

Man in the Box

Alice in Chains

cavaco Beginner beginner

by  BERSEBEN0205

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Man in the Box

Year: 1990 - Album: Facelift

Written by Jerry Cantrell/ Layne Staley/ Sean Kinney/ Michael C. Starr/ Cantrell/ Staley

	  		Intro: E5 (4x) 
I’m the Man in the Box 
Buried in my shit 
G5        G6   G5      G6  C		E5 
Won’t  you come and save me 
Save me 

E5 G D Feed my eyes A Can you sew them shut? E5 G D Jesus Christ A Deny your maker E5 G D He Who Tries A Will be wasted E5 G D Feed my Eyes A Now You’ve sew them shut!
E5 I’m the dog who gets beat E5 Shove my nose in shit G5 G6 G5 G6 C E5 Won’t you come and save me C Save me
E5 G D Feed my eyes A Can you sew them shut? E5 G D Jesus Christ A Deny your maker E5 G D He Who Tries A Will be wasted E5 G D Feed my Eyes A Now You’ve sew them shut!

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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