


ukulele Beginner beginner


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Key:  Em More
Limbo Key BmBm
Limbo Key CmCm
Limbo Key C#mC#m
Limbo Key DmDm(one step down)
Limbo Key D#mD#m(half step down)
Limbo Key EmEm(original key)
Limbo Key FmFm(half step up)
Limbo Key F#mF#m(one step up)
Limbo Key GmGm
Limbo Key G#mG#m
Limbo Key AmAm
Limbo Key A#mA#m
Em G The wind blows through the window At the house of a dead man Em G All alone, in limbo
Holdin' onto a cold hand

Verse 1:

Em Missin' a part of me, I know G I need to shut my eyes again Em G I know it's hard to be the only One alone inside your head Em Missin' a part of me, I know G I need to shut my eyes again Em G I know it's hard to be the only one alone
Em G The wind blows through the window At the house of a dead man Em G All alone, in limbo Holdin' onto a cold hand Em G The wind blows through the window At the house of a dead man Em G All alone, in limbo Holdin' onto a cold hand

Verse 2:

Em C Drownin' in all my regrets G Am All just the same in the end Em C Over and over again (Again) G Am All that we do is pretend Is pretend, is pretend Em C Drownin' in all my regrets G Am All just the same in the end Just the same Em C Over and over again G Am All that we do is pretend

Verse 3:

Em G Lay me down, I'll start again Em G You're not around, I can't pretend Em G That I won't drown, that life won't end Em G I'm bleedin' out, I lost a friend Em G Lay me down, I'll start again Em G You're not around, I can't pretend Em G That I won't drown, that life won't end Em G I'm bleedin' out, I lost a friend
Em G The wind blows through the window At the house of a dead man Em G All alone, in limbo Holdin' onto a cold hand
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