Mr Celio Junior

Just Faith

Mr Celio Junior

ukulele Easy easy


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Just Faith

Written by Mr Celio Junior

Intro: 2x  A   C    D     G    A 

A                        C            D                                  A                           C            D 
Leave your soul free like the Wind 
A                        C            D                                  A                           C            D 
Close your eyes and feel like the angel, angel 
A                        C            D                                  A                           C            D 
So close to heaven and the stars  ho ho ho 

E                        G                      A                                           E        G            A 
I mean so close like your heart with mine 
E                        G                      A                      E        G            A 
I mean too far like the revenge 
Bm                            C             G      Bm             C                          G           Bm             C          D               E    
With wisdom in our life, the history of the earth to show us the truth 
E       D        C    Bm  A 

C D F A Just follow me, and we together C D F A We have force, together C D F A Just join me, we together
C D F A We have more faith, just faith, just faith, just faith, just faith, just faith F A 4x Just faith Solo A C D 2x A C D A C D Please let me place my hand on you A C D A C D Your knees as tied up as your mind A C D A C D The way is hard not just for me E G A E G A I mean so close like your heart with mine E G A E G A I mean too far like the revenge Bm C G Bm C G Bm C D E With wisdom in our life, the history of the earth to show us the truth E D C Bm A
C D F A Just follow me, and we together C D F A We have force, together C D F A Just join me, we together
C D F A We have more faith, just faith, just faith, just faith, just faith, just faith F A 4x Hoooooooo A C D 3x
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