Mary Black


Mary Black

ukulele Expert expert

by  MONC

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	  		C   D   C   D 
EBetter keep your distance from this {A}whale 
EBetter keep your boat from going a{A}stray 
Find yourself a partner and treat them C#m}well 
ETry to give them shelter night and {A}day 
'Cos here in this blGue light 
EFar away from the fiGreside 
EThings can get Gtwisted and crazy and Dcrowded 
You can't even feEmel right 
So you dream of CoClumbus 
Every Dtime the panic starts 
You dream of CoClumbus 
With your Dmaps and your beautiful charts 
You dream of CoEmlumbus 
With an Gache in your travelling heDart 
{A}See how the cormorant swoops and C#m}dives 
EMust be some thrill to go that {A}deep 
Down to the basement of this C#m}life 
EDown to where the mermaid gently {A}sleeps 
Not like here in this blGue light 
EFar away from the fiGreside 
EWhere things can get Gtwisted and haunted and Dcrowded 
You can't even feEmel alright 
And as Emtide must Debb and flow 
I am Amdragged down Emunder 
And I Cwait the livelong Dday 
For and Amend to my Emhunger 
So I dream of CoClumbus 
Every Dtime that the panic starts 
I dream of CoClumbus 
With my Dmaps and my beautiful charts 
I dream of CoEmlumbus 
And there's Gpeace in a travelling heDart 
I dream of CoClumbus... 
{c:Repeat C and D Chorus pattern} 

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