Brendon Walmsley

Still Falling1

Brendon Walmsley

ukulele Easy easy


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Still Falling1

     C     D    G    C 
(I'm still falling, still falling) 
       Am7         D      G 
(Still falling in love with you) 

  G               C                                G 
Remember when it started could our hearts beat any faster 
Em                                   D 
Excited by the height from which we fell 
G                C                            G 
Floating like a feather where the when became whenever 
   Em                                D 
We made those moments matter for ourselves 
      C                                           D 
And I wonder if some day this dream will end 
               C                         D 
'Cause I keep waking up to live it all again 

    G      D         G                C 
I'm still falling in love with you 
G     D                  C 
Still dancing on air 
    Em       D                C        G 
And I don't care what comes my way 
   C                D 
So long as you are there 
    C     D    G        C 
I'm still falling, still falling 
      Am7      D         G 
Still falling in love with you 

Same as Intro: 
     C     D   G         C 
(I'm still falling, still falling) 
       C           D      G 
(Still falling in love with you) 

G                C                                        G 
All this time together never thought it could get better 
          Em                            D 
Then you take me places that I haven't been 
          G          C                                  G 
When the world is rearranging you stay the same ~  you're so amazing 
Em                                 D 
You don't have to change a single thing 
      C                                       D 
And I wonder if we'll ever lose that shine 
             C                                   D 
'Cause it's all so clear when your hand touches mine 

    Em                  C 
You know what I'm thinking, you know what to say 
   Am7          D           G 
To make all my wishes come true 
    Em               C                   D 
You stopped me from sinking, you lifted me way up I'm? 

Repeat Chorus 

    C     D    G        C 
I'm still falling, still falling 
      C        D       G 
Still falling in love with you 
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