Brad Kilman
Ukulele chords Easy level Easy
[Intro:  ]Am   G   F 

Am    F       C            G 
Jesus, Jesus  You are my tower Lord 

Am    F       C           G 
Jesus, Jesus  the rock I stand on 

Am    F       C            G 
Jesus, Jesus  there is no other name, like Your name 

Am    F           C         G 
       And I will wait, on You 

Am                        G 
The Lord is good to those, to those who wait for Him 

F                      E 
Oh I will be still and I will know, the You are God 

Am                     G 
Your loving kindnesses, indeed they never cease 

F                      E 
Your compassions never fail, they never fail 

Intro:  Am   G   F 

verse 2: 
Jesus, Jesus  You are my tower Lord
Jesus, Jesus  the rock on stand on 

Jesus, Jesus  there is no other name, like Your name 

There is no other name, like your name....oh Lord and
I am weak but, You are strong and, I know I must learn to wait on you...yea 

Am                        G 
The Lord is good to those, to those who wait for Him 

F                      E 
Oh I will be still and I will know, the You are God 

Am                     G 
Your loving kindnesses, indeed they never cease 

F                      E 
Your compassions never fail, they never fail 

Am                   F 
My story simply told, I waited for the Lord 

C                  G        Am 
   And He heard my cry

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