Abbey Glover

Please Dont Go

Abbey Glover

ukulele Easy easy


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Please Dont Go

Written by Abbey Glover

Verse 1 
Is there something wrong with me? 
       G                                   Am7 
'Cause I can't seem to keep anyone or anything, anyone or anything 
Is it the way I walk? The way I talk? 
Or how I wish I could change the world? 
Is it silly of me, is it silly of me to dream? 

F G C Oh, I try to make everyone happy F But what about G Am What about me? F G Is it too much to ask Am C Is it too much of a chore? F G D For someone to stick around unlike everyone before C Everyone before
Verse 2 C Is it the way I dress? My need to impress? G Or how I'm clearly drenched in loneliness? Am7 And I'm craving, craving something like this C Do I feel too much? Tell me, do I feel to much? G Are you suffocating under my love? Am7 I can't help it darling I can't help it with you
F G C Oh, I try to make everyone happy F But what about G Am What about me? F G Is it too much to ask Am C Is it too much of a chore? F G D For someone to stick around unlike everyone before C Everyone before
Bridge Dm I'm begging you don't go F I'm begging you please stay Am Tell me what I've got to change G And I'll do it, I'll do it for you Dm I'm begging you please stay F I'm begging don't go Am Tell me what I've got to change, what I've got to change G And I'll do it, I'll do it for you I'll do anything for you (Why is this happening to me)
F G C Oh, I try to make everyone happy F But what about G Am What about me? (It's not fair) F G Is it too much to ask Am C Is it too much of a chore? F G D For someone to stick around unlike everyone before C Everyone before
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