Abbey Glover

No Hope Left Here

Abbey Glover

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No Hope Left Here

Written by Abbey Glover


Verse 1:

C Doesn't matter how pretty you tell me I am C I won't see it F/C Doesn't matter how much love you give F/C Cause I won't feel it C Doesn't matter if you say you'll be around forever C F/C Cause guess what, guess what, I won't believe it F/C Honey, I won't believe it
F And I don't love myself G C So how can anybody love me? F And my hands are cold G C So why'd you wanna hold them, dear? F Oh, my heart is broke G Am G F So why you tryna fix it when there's no more hope to me? C Left here

Verse 2:

C C I know your love for me, your love for me F/C Is slowly dying F/C F Is slowly dying, dying, dear C But be patient cause, I'm falling F I'm falling so hard for you F And I'm scared of what will happen C When I hit the ground from up here
F And I don't love myself G C So how can anybody love me? F And my hands are cold G C So why'd you wanna hold them, dear? F Oh, my heart is broke G Am G F So why you tryna fix it when there's no more hope to me? C Left here


F G You're impatient, you're impatient, honey Am G F But I'm still learning to love F G You're impatient, you're impatient, honey Am G F But I'm still learning to love Am G Learning to love
F And I don't love myself G C So how can anybody love me? F And my hands are cold G C So why'd you wanna hold them, dear? F Oh, my heart is broke G Am G F So why you tryna fix it when there's no more hope to me?
F Oh I don't love myself G C So how can anybody love me? F And my hands are cold G C So why'd you wanna hold them, dear? F Oh, my heart is broke G Am G F So why you tryna fix it when there's no more hope to me? C Left here
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