Syd Barrett


Syd Barrett



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Year: 2007 - Album: Opel

Key:  A More
Opel Key EE
Opel Key FF
Opel Key F#F#
Opel Key GG(one step down)
Opel Key G#G#(half step down)
Opel Key AA(original key)
Opel Key A#A#(half step up)
Opel Key BB(one step up)
Opel Key CC
Opel Key C#C#
Opel Key DD
Opel Key D#D#
     A              E 
On a distant shore, miles from land 
G                                    D 
Stands the ebony totem in ebony sand, 
  A                  E 
A dream in a mist of grey 
B                A 
On a far distant shore 
A                          E 
The pebble, it stood alone 
G                             D 
And driftwood lies half buried 
A                          E 
Warm, shallow water sweeps shells 
B              A 
So the cockles shine 
A                      E 
A bare, winding carcas stalk 
G                              D 
Shimmers as flies scoop up meat 
An empty way, 
B          A 
Dry Tears 
A                         E 
Crisp flax squeaks   Tall reeds 
      G              D 
Make a circle of grey  
In a summer way, around man 
B         A 
 so don't drown 
BRIDGE: (in 6/8) 
Cadd9  C      Bb      Cadd9  C      Bb     F      Am     E    C7     F       
F# 	    G      A      D      G          
A      A5/G#    
I'm trying 
A      A5/G#    
I'm trying 
A5/F#    A5 
To find you 
A5/F#    A5 
To find you 
A      A5/G#    
I'm living 
A      A5/G#    
I'm giving 
A5/F#    A5 
To find you 
A5/F#    A5 
To find you 
I'm living 
I'm living 
I'm trying 
I'm giving 


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