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Written by Georges Delerue,hal Shaper

Intro: Dm C Gm  A 

Dm            C 
Time is like a dream  
    Gm                        Dm 
And now, for a time, you are mine 
      Cm                Gm 
Let's hold fast to the dream 
     Dm           F            Gm 
That tastes and sparkles like wine  

Who knows (who knows)  
If it's real 
        Cm                            Gm 
Or just something we're both dreaming of 
Bb                 Dm          Eb 
What seems like an interlude now 
            Cm   Dm         Gm 
Could be the beginning of love  

Loving you  
     F            Dm 
Is a world that's strange  
Gm                   Cm    Bb  F 
So much more than my heart can hold  

Loving you 
Makes the whole world change  
Cm                  Eb  F    Dm 
Loving you, I could not grow old  

Bb         F 
No, nobody knows 
When love will end  
        Eb    F     Gm 
So till then, sweet friend ... 

Dm            C 
Time is like a dream 
    Gm                        Dm 
And now, for a time, you are mine  
      Cm                Gm 
Let's hold fast to the dream  
     Dm          F             G 
That tastes and sparkles like wine  

Who knows (who knows)  
If it's real  
        Cm                            Gm 
Or just something we're both dreaming of  
Bb                 Dm        Cm 
What seems like an interlude now 
      Eb     Dm           Gm 
Could be the beginning of love 
Bb                 Dm        Cm 
What seems like an interlude now 
      Eb     Dm           Gm 
Could be the beginning of love 
Bb                 Dm        Cm 
What seems like an interlude now 
      Eb     Dm           Gm 
Could be the beginning of love 

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