Jo Stafford


Jo Stafford

keyboards Intermediate intermediate


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Written by Johnny Burke and Jimmy Van Heusen

Introdução: C Gdim Dm7 Bb9 A5-/7 G7 Fdim  C Cdim  Dm9 Fdim C/9 

G7      C  Gdim    Dm7  G7     
Imagination      is funny        
C       G7/13-    Gdim     A7                  
It makes a cloudy day sunny 
Dm     Dm7+         Dm7          
Makes a bee think of honey 
Dm6     Gdim  A7     Fdim   G7   
Just as  I  think of you. 
        C       Gdim     Dm7 G7 
Imagination      is crazy        
       C       G7/13-       Gdim     A7 
Your whole perspective gets hazy 
Dm        Dm7+     Dm7    Dm6     C7M  Am          Gm7 C7   
Starts you asking a daisy what to do,      what to do 
E  F      Dm7         Cdim   B7 
Have you ever felt a gentle touch 
     Em7    A7       G/Bb       A7     G/B 
And then a kiss, and then, and then 
          Em7            Am7  Cdim   G4/7    G7/13- 
Find it's only your imagination again,  oh, well 
G7  C         Gdim     Dm7 G7 
Imagination       is silly 
    C     G7/13-        Gdim  A7 
You go around willynilly 
Dm    Dm7+     Dm7        Dm6     Bb9  Gdim 
For example, I go around wanting you 
          Dm7    Bb9         A5-/7 G7 Fdim   C   Cdim Dm9 Fdim C6/9 
And yet I can't imagine that you want me, too 
Interlude: G7 C Gdim Dm7 G7 C G7/13- Gdim A7 Dm Dm7+ Dm7 Dm6 Gdim A7 Fdim  G7 C Gdim Dm7 G7 C G7/13- Gdim A7 Dm Dm7+ Dm7 Dm6 C7M Am Gm7 C7    
E  F      Dm7         Cdim   B7 
Have you ever felt a gentle touch 
     Em7    A7       G/Bb       A7     G/B 
And then a kiss, and then, and then 
          Em7            Am7  Cdim    G4/7     G7/13- 
Find it's only your imagination  again,  oh, well 
G7  C         Gdim     Dm7 G7 
Imagination       is silly 
    C     G7/13-        Gdim  A7 
You go around willynilly 
Dm    Dm7+     Dm7        Dm6     Bb9 Gdim 
For example, I go around wanting you 
          Dm7    Bb9         A5-/7 G7 Fdim   C   Cdim Dm9 Fdim C6/9 
And yet I can't imagine that you want me, too 

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