
Black Hearts (on Fire)


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Black Hearts (on Fire)

When I make it, I’ll be on time 
G				Bb		C 
Gonna take what I want and give you a piece of my mind 

Your black hearts waited too long, 
		G		Bb 			C 
Just to see me fall down, fall down, fall down 
	G		Bb		D 
Your black hearts won’t be around, just to see me fall down 

Your hearts on fire, so come on, burn brighter 
Your hearts on fire, so come on, burn brighter 

G Bb Your hearts on fire, but your cold to the touch C G I know you want it but you love yourself too much G Bb Your hearts on fire but your head is a rut C D# G (0 10 12 12 xx) Bb C Bb C Bb F G You best believe it, I ain't ever giving up
(verso) C When I make it, I’ll be on time yeah G Bb C Well you might say I’m crazy, but oh I’m out of my mind C G Well excuse me black hearts, will you tell me who is up and who is down? Bb D Are you waiting for me to fall down? (pré-refrão) Your hearts on fire, so come on, burn brighter Your hearts on fire, so come on, burn brighter
G Bb Your hearts on fire, but your cold to the touch C G I know you want it but you love yourself too much G Bb Your hearts on fire but your head is a rut C D# You best believe it, i ain't ever giving up G Bb D So come on, come on, come on, hey yeah!
(solo) G Bb Your hearts on fire, but your cold to the touch C G I know you want it but you love yourself too much G Bb Your hearts on fire but your head is a rut C D# G You best believe it, i ain't ever give'n' up B C Bb C Bb F G Hey hey hey

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