Harley Mills

Let's Get Together

Harley Mills

keyboards Intermediate intermediate


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Let's Get Together

Written by Richard M. Sherman/Robert B. Sherman

Let's get together, yeah yeah yeah why don't you and I combine  
D                                    A  
Let's get together, what do you say, we can have a swinging time  
          E     D  
We'd be a crazy team  
             E      D       A  
Why don't we make a scene,  together  
oh, oh, oh, oh   
Let's get together, yeah yeah yeah  think of all that we could share  
D                            A  
Let's get together everyday, every way and everywhere  
.             E             D   
And though we haven't got a lot,   
            E                 D     A  
We could be sharing all we've got,  together  
Oh! I really think you're swell  
Uh huh! We really ring the bell  
Oo wee! And if you stick with me   
E                             D  
Nothing could be greater, say hey, alligator  
Let's get together, yeah yeah yeah two is twice as nice as one  
D                              A  
Let's get together, right away we'll be having twice the fun  
            E               D  
And you can always count on me  
           E               D  
A gruesome twosome we will be  
A         E         A  
Together, yeah yeah yeah.  


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