Anuv Jain


Anuv Jain

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Key:  Eb More
Ocean Key A#A#
Ocean Key BB
Ocean Key CC
Ocean Key C#C#(one step down)
Ocean Key DD(half step down)
Ocean Key EbEb(original key)
Ocean Key EE(half step up)
Ocean Key FF(one step up)
Ocean Key F#F#
Ocean Key GG
Ocean Key G#G#
Ocean Key AA
C                  Em 
Your life is the ocean 
C                F 
and your heart is a wave 
C                  Em 
like a dog in the sun  
F                       C 
I found my peace in your storm  
C               Em 
as i sail for days 
F                 C 
I keep drowning away  
C                       Em 
would my sailors forgive me 
F                   G 
for feeling this way 
You said, 
"Hey Mister! 
F             C 
do follow through 
C                      Am 
let's go and build a house  
F                     G 
big enough to fit us two 
C                       Em 
we'll weave a castle there 
        F               G 
the castle of our dreams 
C                     Em 
my knight in dining armor 
F                      G                   
and i your blanket queen" 
C                          Em 
Girl you're just like that pretty house 
F                                   C 
with wooden beams, you're facing south 
G        C             Em              F 
you are my shelter, you are my little home 
       C                         Em 
Your walls are painted pink and green 
F                    G 
with a hint of Tangerine 
C  Em 
I see 
                F   G 
a crack in the window 
C         Em           Am 
I'm waking up to hold you  
         F                             G 
your blemishes,all your tragedies are mine. 
F   Dm               C 
As days turn into years 
Em                    Am 
got more than I deserved  
F                         C 
there's so much left to learn  
as i flip through your pages 
F    Dm                C           
As sweet as Crème brûlée (harmony) 
Em                    Am 
these memories we've made  
      F                C 
now let me take your hand  
and offer a lifetime (clash and tension) 
C                              Em 
Coz darling all these years have gone 
F                        C 
Just as the tree we sat upon 
C                  Em            F                    G 
so afraid to fall, the way we laughed, we made it through 
      C                      Em 
My sailors they have come 'round 
F                          C 
their ballads bring a different sound 
C                        Em                 F 
i guess they all have drowned in love with you  
way i have too! 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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