Abbey Glover


Abbey Glover

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Key:  C More
Human Key GG
Human Key G#G#
Human Key AA
Human Key A#A#(one step down)
Human Key BB(half step down)
Human Key CC(original key)
Human Key C#C#(half step up)
Human Key DD(one step up)
Human Key D#D#
Human Key EE
Human Key FF
Human Key F#F#
	  		verse 1 
    C                               G 
Sometimes, I don't feel good enough 

Like I'm not deserving of love 
People smile at me, I don't know why 
I wouldn't smile at me if I saw me walk by 
C                                     G 
I've said things I'll forever regret 

Hurt people that didn't deserve it 
If you're listening and I've hurt you      
I'm sorry for what I've done 
And I'm sorry for what I will do 
                        F         C 
I'm sorry for what I will do 

Chorus G But I'm only human after all I do bad things sometimes Am F It doesn't mean that I'm awful That I'm a bad person inside G I've got a heart that's big and that's true Am It's just I should think more before I do F Think more before I do
verse 2 C If you like me, then that's okay G But don't be surprised when I push you away Am F When, when you get too, when you get too close to me C G Feelings is something I avoid, so I run away Am F And save myself, save myself from the heartbreak
Chorus G But I'm only human after all I do bad things sometimes Am F It doesn't mean that I'm awful That I'm a bad person inside G I've got a heart that's big and that's true Am It's just I should think more before I do F Think more before I do
Bridge G You're mad at me, you're mad at me For not feeling Dm But it's not my fault F G No, it's not my fault at all You're mad at me, you're mad at me For not feeling Dm But it's not my fault F No, it's not my fault at all Fault at all
Chorus G But you're only human after all You do bad things sometimes Am F It doesn't mean that you're awful That you're a bad person inside G You've got a heart that's big and that's true Am It's just you should think more before you do F Think more before you do
Outro G And I'm only human after all I do bad things sometimes Am F It doesn't mean that I'm awful That I'm a bad person inside G I've got a heart that's big and that's true Am It's just I should think more before I do F Think more before I do

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