
Hiding Place


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Hiding Place

Written by Jon Neufeld/Tim Neufeld

	  		Intro Solo 
E -6?---10-------6?--10-- 
B -----6---8?--10---6---6 
G ----------------------- 
D ----------------------- 
A ----------------------- 
E ----------------------- 


Bb			Eb	F 
In the shadows I can hear your voice singing to me 
Bb			Eb	F	Bb 
In the valley I can hear your heart reaching for me now 
	F			Eb		F 
And I wait, flooded with the strength of your peace 

 			Bb                                               Eb 
You?re my defender the shield of my heart 
Bb                                       F 
You are my hiding place 
Bb                                               Eb 
When terror surrounds me you keep me from harm 
Bb                                       F 
You are my hiding place 

Intro Solo 


Bb			Eb	F 
In the darkness I feel your light wrap around me 
Bb			Eb	F	Bb  
In my suffering I can feel your joy rising in me now 
F			Eb		F 
And I wait, flooded with the strength of your peace 
		Eb		F 
Here before you Jesus in this light 
		Eb		F 
Here before you now, face to face 

 			Bb                                               Eb 
You?re my defender the shield of my heart 
Bb                                       F 
You are my hiding place 
Bb                                               Eb 
When terror surrounds me you keep me from harm 
Bb                                       F 
You are my hiding place 
Intro Solo (fade to end) 
Bb		Eb 
Under the shelter of the most high 
Will I be safe here 
Eb		Bb 
Will have life 

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