Phil Wickham

Always Forever

Phil Wickham

chords Beginner beginner

by  1JOHN316

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Always Forever

Year: 2006 - Album: Phil Wickham

Written by Phil Wickham

	  		G                      Em 
You are the hand, that catches my fall 
D                                    C  
You are the friend, that answers my call 
G                Em    
You are my Day, You are my night 
D                               C     D 
you are my love, and all of my life 

              G      D 
You are the love I need 
            Em      C 
You are the air I breathe 
            G       D            C 
You are my love my Life always forever 
             G       D 
I would lay down my life 
           Em       C 
Just to be by your side 
             G      D            C              G 
You are my love my Life always forever always forever 

G                      Em 
You are the grace, that covers my sin 
D                                    C 
You're everthing, the beginning and end 
G                Em    
you have my soul, my heart and my mind 
D                               C     D 
you have my love and all of my life 

G D Em C G D C Halleluijah, Halleluijah, Halleluijah, forever

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