Patsy Cline


Patsy Cline

chords Expert expert

by  ANDY

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Written by Willie Nelson

Key:  C More
Crazy Key GG
Crazy Key G#G#
Crazy Key AA
Crazy Key A#A#(one step down)
Crazy Key BB(half step down)
Crazy Key CC(original key)
Crazy Key C#C#(half step up)
Crazy Key DD(one step up)
Crazy Key D#D#
Crazy Key EE
Crazy Key FF
Crazy Key F#F#
	  		C   C   F   F   Fmaj7   Em7   Dm7   G7 
C     C    A7        A7         Dm     Dm7+   Dm7   Dm7 
Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely 
    G7    G7   G7        G7     C        C#dim7   Dm7   G7 
I'm crazy,     crazy for feeling so blue 
C     C      A7         A7          Dm     Dm7+   Dm7   Dm7 
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted 
         G7     G7         G7           G7       C   F   C   C7 
And then someday     you'd leave me for somebody new 
F     F   F        F          C      C   C7   C7 
Worry,    why do I let myself worry? 
D7       D7   D7          D7        G7    Dm7   G7   G7 
Wond'ring     what in the world did I do? 
C    C    A7            A7            Dm       Dm7+   Dm7   Dm7 
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you 
    Fmaj7     Em7        Dm7       Cmaj7 
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying 
        Dm7       G7        C   G# 
And I'm crazy for loving you 
C#   C#   A#7           A#7           D#m      D#m7+   D#m7   D#m7 
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you 
    F#maj7    Fm7        D#m7      C#maj7 
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying 
        D#m7      G#7       C#   C#   F#   F#   C# . 
And I'm crazy for loving you.

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