
Last Caress


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Last Caress

Written by Glenn Danzig

	  		C                      F G
I got something to say                                         
C                 F       G
I killed a baby today and it 
F              D
Doesn't matter much to me                                        
   C                 F G
As long as it's dead                                                 
C     F G
C                           F G
Well I got something to say                                    
C                     F       G
I raped your mother today and it                                
F              D
Doesn't matter much to me                                        
As long as she spread                                            
Sweet lovely death 
     C       E     A
I am waiting for your breath 
F          G                 C    F G
Come sweet death, one last caress                               
C     F G
C     F G
F            G
Sweet lovely death 
     C       E     A
I am waiting for your breath                                        
F          G                 C    F G
Come sweet death, one last caress                               
C     F G
     C                      F G
Well I got something to say 
C                    F       G
I killed your baby today and it 
F              D
Doesn't matter much to me                                          
As long as it's dead                                           
F            G
Sweet lovely death                                              
     C       E     A
I am waiting for your breath                                            
F          G      {N.C.}     C    F
Come sweet death, one last caress                               
    G      C                 F
One last caress, sweet death                                 
    G      C                 F
One last caress, sweet death                                
G  C             F
Oh oh oh oh oh                                                 
G  C             F
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh                                          
G  C             F
Oh oh 
G  C             F
Oh oh oh oh oh 
G  C             F G

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