Iron Maiden

Aces High

Iron Maiden

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Aces High

Year: 1996 - Album: Iron Maidens

Written by Steve Harris

	  		Intro: F#m  D  E  F#m  D  E   
        F#m  D  E  F#m  D  E   
        Am  F  G  Am  F  G   
        Am  F  G  Am  F  G   

Verse 1:

Em D There goes the siren that warns of the air raid Em D Then comes the sound of the guns sending flak Em D Out for the scramble we've got to get airborne Em D Got to get up for the coming attack Am G Jump in the cockpit and start up the engines Am G Remove all the wheelblocks there's no time to waste Am G Gathering speed as we head down the runway Am G Got to get airborne before it's too late


Em C C/B Running, scrambling, fire Em C C/B Rolling, turning, diving, going in again Em C C/B Running, scrambling, fire Em C C/B Rolling, turning, diving
Em C D Run, live to Em C D fly, fly to Em C D live, do or Em C D die, Won't you G Eb F run, live to G Eb F fly, fly to G Eb F live, A--ces G Eb F Am high!
Solo: Am F G Am C D Am F G Am C D Bm G A Bm D E Am

Verse 2:

Em D Move in to fire at the mainstream of bombers Em D Let off a sharp burst and then turn away Em D Roll over, spin round to come in behind them Em D Move to their blindsides and firing again Am G Bandits at 8 o'clock move in behind us Am G Ten ME-109's out of the sun Am G Ascending and turning our Spitfires to face them Am G Heading straight for them I press down my guns


Em C C/B Running, scrambling, fire Em C C/B Rolling, turning, diving, going in again Em C C/B Running, scrambling, fire Em C C/B Rolling, turning, diving
Em C D Run, live to Em C D fly, fly to Em C D live, do or Em C D die, Won't you G Eb F run, live to G Eb F fly, fly to G Eb F live, A--ces G Eb F high!
Final: Am F G Am F G Am F G Am F G Am

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