Intergalactic Lovers


Intergalactic Lovers

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Written by Brendan Corbey / Lara Chedraoui / Maarten Huygens / Raf de Mey

Key:  Am More
Shewolf Key EmEm
Shewolf Key FmFm
Shewolf Key F#mF#m
Shewolf Key GmGm(one step down)
Shewolf Key G#mG#m(half step down)
Shewolf Key AmAm(original key)
Shewolf Key A#mA#m(half step up)
Shewolf Key BmBm(one step up)
Shewolf Key CmCm
Shewolf Key C#mC#m
Shewolf Key DmDm
Shewolf Key D#mD#m
Capo on 4th fret


  Am                                           C     G 
I started a fire in the basement over your heart 
          Am                                         C         G 
Feel the flames getting higher as a rage grows on the inside 
    Am                                C     G 
It started out good like it always does 
        Am                            C     G 
We were so damn happy we were so in love 

      Em                       D 
And I know that you're a good man  
Yeah I know that you are gold 
      Em             D      
Got a real bad tendency though 
To turn good shit into mould 

Asus2 Run run run as fast as you can Cmaj7 G 'cause I've killed before and I'll do it again Asus2 Run run run as fast as you can Cmaj7 G 'cause I've killed before and I'll do it again C Em Run run as fast as you can Asus2 G 'cause I, I've killed before and I'll do it again.
Asus2 (Same chords as first verse:) I looked OK from the outside, but now you're looking in Yeah I know that I get vicious when I've been drinking And it's always the same game that I, I choose to play Yeah I draw, draw, draw you closer just to push you away And I know that you're a good man Yeah I know that you are gold Got a real bad tendency though To turn good shit into mould Asus2 Run run run as fast as you can Cmaj7 G 'cause I've killed before and I'll do it again Asus2 Run run run as fast as you can Cmaj7 G 'cause I've killed before and I'll do it again C Em Run run as fast as you can Asus2 'cause I Chords during bridge: Am Em G F Am Am Em G F D And go go go go as far as you can go Am C 'cause I'll break your spirit, dear, believe me I know F D Leave my home and my friends Am 'cause I've killed before and I'll do it again Asus2 Run run run as fast as you can Cmaj7 G 'cause I've killed before and I'll do it again Asus2 Cmaj7 G Run run run, as far as you can go Asus2 Cmaj7 G Run run run, as far as you can go

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Half key step downHalf key step down
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