Dave Warner

Australian Heat

Dave Warner


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Australian Heat

	  		          G            Em              G         Em             G           Em             G        Em                 
Well my phone  gave a tingle ?bout  a half past four,   I was lying  kinda naked  on the  bathroom floor 
   G                      Em                  G       Em           G                 Em            G           Em            
A girl?s voice breathing deep says I?ve been watching you, from my 5th floor kitchen window got an unobstructed view 
     C               Am                  C          Am       G              Em                     G      Em               
She says,  you know Dave,  ain?t you a trifle indiscreet,  what?s your explanation,  I says,  Australian Heat 
           D                              C                               G {hold} 
And it?ll penetrate your body, from your nose down to your feet, there?s just no escaping  this Australian Heat 
          G            Em              G         Em             G           Em             G        Em                 
I?m cruising up Nepean Highway about three a.m., well the bee became a duddeck and the duddeck became phlegm 
  G              Em                  G              Em               G              Em              G     Em                 
Cruising in the cool breeze looking for a place to spit, tried to squeeze it out my window, but I knew it wouldn?t fit 
      C              Am                   C             Am              G           Em                  G       Em              
This car pulls up beside, police whatcha doing on the street, well I?m trying to get away from this confounded heat 
           D                              C                               G {hold} 
And it?ll penetrate your body, from your nose down to your feet, there?s just no escaping  this Australian Heat 
          G            Em              G         Em             G           Em             G        Em                 
My wiper drags a moth with a suicidal thud,   and Mortein kinda smashed that mozzie pipeline to my blood 
          G            Em              G         Em             G           Em             G        Em                 
I try to read a Playboy but my eyes are just too sore, I keep a-thinking ?bout that penthouse on the 5th floor 
     C               Am                  C          Am       G              Em                     G      Em               
I get up in the middle of the night, maybe I get a bite to eat, I can?t help always thinking ?bout, rubbing up my meat 
           D                              C                               G {hold} 
And it?ll penetrate your body from your nose down to your feet,  there?s just no escaping this Australian Heat 
Tabbed by Danny Lloyd  

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