Cody Johnson


Cody Johnson

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Written by Lindsay Rimes/Matt Rogers

D A A long wooden fence to a tall hickory tree C G A wraparound porch with an old cedar swing D A We don't get to choose but if I had my way C G My road to the sky would look just like

Verse 1:

D A walk up the driveway to Grandma A Saying y'all come and get it C G Me and Granddaddy just gettin' back from some fishin' D A Dust flyin' up every step that we're steppin' C G So whenever I picture heaven
D A I see a long wooden fence to a tall hickory tree C G A dog on the porch slowly fallin' asleep D A We don't get to choose but if I had my way C Em My road to the sky would look just like G D Em D C G D D A walk up the drivewaaaaaay
G D Em D C G D A walk up the driveway to my baby A Chasin' after our young 'uns C G Me and my brothers talkin' about baseball and huntin' D A The rustlin' of cash crops with a sun-settin' backdrop C Em Them gold streets are nice yeah but my paradise is
D A That long wooden fence to a tall hickory tree C G Leaves blowin' around on a cool autumn breeze D A We don't get to choose but if I had my way C G G My road to the sky would look just like D D A C G A walk up the drivewaaaaaay

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