Chris Young


Chris Young

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	  		Intro: Am  Am  Am  C D  (x2) 

Verse 1:

Am Hometown crowd, Friday night lights G D Second string quarterback coming off the sidelines Am One last play, hail Mary prayer G D Holding their breath when he threw it in the air C Now cups are raising, flags are waving D He's on their shoulders, famous
Am Here's one for the underdogs G D Let 'em hear y'all Am Well hell yeah they might get knocked down G D Am But everybody loves how they don't stay down for long G D Pretty soon they're ten feet tall Am From odds stacked, can't win, to the Comeback Kid G D Am Yeah, come on, here's one for the underdogs
Interlude: Am Am Am C D

Verse 2:

Am Granddad's farm, handed down G D Everybody said he'd run it in the ground Am Spent four long years bailing that hay G D Little by little got the whole loan paid C Hard work's paying off, you wouldn't believe D He's making small town history
Am Here's one for the underdogs G D Let 'em hear y'all Am Well hell yeah they might get knocked down G D Am But everybody loves how they don't stay down for long G D Pretty soon they're ten feet tall Am From odds stacked, can't win, to the Comeback Kid G D Am Yeah, come on, here's one for the underdogs
Interlude Am G D Am Am G D Am Am Am C D (x2)
Am Here's one for the underdogs G D Let 'em hear y'all Am Well hell yeah they might get knocked down G D Am But everybody loves how they don't stay down for long G D Pretty soon they're ten feet tall Am From odds stacked, can't win, to the Comeback Kid G D Am Yeah, come on, here's one for the underdogs
Interlude Am Am Tag C D Am Yeah, here's one for the underdogs Outro Am Am C D Am Am Am C D

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