Brian Doerksen

Refiners Fire

Brian Doerksen

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Refiners Fire

Written by Brian Doerksen

	  		Intro : E B/D# C#m A (2x) 
E B/D#    C#m 
Purify my heart 
             F#m      Bsus    Bsus 
Let me be as gold and precious silver 
E B/D#    C#m 
Purify my heart 
             F#m   E/B   B 
Let me be as gold, pure gold 
E  A       B 
Refiner's fire 
E          A     B 
My heart's one desire 
      E  B 
Is to be holy 
E/G#  A        B 
Set apart for You, Lord 
            E  B 
I choose to be holy 
E/G#  A        C#m    B 
Set apart for You, my Master 
F#m      B         E 
Ready to do Your will 
E B/D# C#m A (2x) 
E B/D#    C#m 
Purify my heart 
Cleanse me from within 
    Bsus   Bsus  
And make me holy 
E B/D#    C#m 
Purify my heart 
Cleanse me from my sin 
E/B    B 
Deep within   


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