
It's already done


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It's already done

Year: 1998 - Album: One More Encore

Written by Quinton Gibson/Scott Wenzel

	  		Intro: D#m B F# 2X 
D#m          B               F# 
The day that you decide to follow 
D#m           B              F# 
And choose to end the war within 
         G#m      C#          F# 
If your present situation is constant aggravation 
              B             C# 
You feel so trapped in your sin 
                     B             F# 
Just remember that a battle makes stronger  
      C#               B               D#m 
Even though we feel we can't fight any longer 
      G#m              C#             F# 
If we just believe his words, we will see his power 
            B               C# 
Grace will find us in that hour 
        B      F#   D#m     B   F# 
It's already done, It's already won 
 D#m    B      F#   D#m     B   C# 
It's already done, It's already won 
D#m      B               F# 
If you decide tonight to follow  
D#m       B               D#m 
Count the cost and take a ride 
    G#m              C# 
On a train that's on a run 
Forever circling the son  
       B      C#           B                          F# 
Always by his side you can lose all of yesterdays in heaven 
         C#            B                D#m 
All the powers in your past are laid to rest 
       G#m         C# 
If you ever wanted out 
So bad it made you shout 
        B               C# 
Believe when you face the test 


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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

See also:

chords Rommel Guevarra - Ikaw Lamang

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