Savage Messiah

In Thought Alone

Savage Messiah

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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In Thought Alone

Tuning: C#, G#, C#, F#, A#, D#   

   Mid Paced Rock = 120bpm 

 Intro (clean): 

 |----3---------------------2-------| (let ring) 

 Heavy Verse: 




 Post Chorus Bridge: 
                                1.              2. 

 Harmony section 
  Guitar 1          1. 
 |                 |                    |                  | 
 |Guitar 2         |                    |                  | 
 |                 |                    |                  |  
 |Guitar 3         |                    |                  |  

 Bridge to the Solo: 

  Guitar 1 
 |                                                                                   | 
 |Guitar 2                                                                           | 
 |                                                                                   | 
 |Guitar 3                                                                           | 

  Solo Backing/outro riff: 


Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

See also:


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