Savage Garden

Carry On Dancing

Savage Garden

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Carry On Dancing

	  		Intro: DmCBbGA 

Dm 	 C/D 
The moonlight... 
		     Dm		C/D 
Shines down interstellar beams 
	  Dm		C/D 
and the groove tonight 
is something more than you've ever 
       Dm		          C 
the stars and planets taking shape 
Bb		   G	   A 
a stolen kiss has come to late 

Dm Bb C In the moonlight Dm Carry on,keep romancing Bb C Carry on,carry on dancing
Dm Bb C In the moonlight Dm Carry on,keep romancing Bb C Dm Carry on,carry on dancing C/D Dm C/D You're never safe'till you see the dawn Dm C/D And if the clock strikes past midnight Dm the hope is gone Bb C To move under... Chorus Dm Move. Closer. Passion. Stronger (Dm Bb C Dm Bb C Dm) x4 Dm C/D Dm C/D Theres a magic only two can tell Dm C/D in the dark night Dm C/D ultra violet is a wicked spell Dm C the stars and the planets taking shape Bb G A a stolen kiss has come to late Chorus Final: DmCBbGA

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