Jon McLaughlin

Maybe It's Over

Jon McLaughlin

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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Maybe It's Over

Written by Jon McLaughlin


B   B   F#   Abm   B   B   F#   Abm   E   E   B   F#  

E   B   F# 

Verse 1: 

Abm          B     F#  
All of the signs point 
Abm          B      F#    B   Abm 
all of the voices inside your head 
    Abm            B        F# 
are speaking the phrases coined 
    Abm                            F# 
by those who say things I've never said 

Verse 2:

Abm          B   F# 
all of the cars drive 
E            F# 
on the other side 
and we're the only ones 
F#                    E 
burning in their headlights 

B Abm F# singing maybe it's over Abm but I don't feel it B F# if we wanted forever Abm baby, we gotta steal it E I'll hold the last straw B F# with my back against the wall Abm B F# singing maybe it's over B but I don't feel it at all
B B F# Abm E B F# Verse 3: Abm B F# every night we lay awake Abm B F# Abm love never asks for the time that she takes E B F# I can feel you slipping away E F# falling through the holes and cracks from our mistakes
B Abm F# singing maybe it's over Abm but I don't feel it B F# if we wanted forever Abm baby, we gotta steal it E I'll hold the last straw B F# with my back against the wall Abm B F# singing maybe it's over B F# Abm but I don't feel it at all
Bridge: B E this love won't stop B F# I'm looking out for one more shot B E F# don't tell me everything I've got B F# is not enough (Repeat bridge) B B F# Abm (2x) E B F#
B Abm F# singing maybe it's over Abm but I don't feel it B F# if we wanted forever Abm baby, we gotta steal it E I'll hold the last straw B F# with my back against the wall Abm B F# singing maybe it's over Abm B F# maybe it's over B but I don't feel it at all E at all

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