Sun Kil Moon

I Know Its Pathetic But That Was The Greatest Night Of My Life

Sun Kil Moon

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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I Know Its Pathetic But That Was The Greatest Night Of My Life

Written by Mark Kozelek

Intro Eb Ab 

Eb        Ab           Eb     Ab             Eb                   
   It was backstage in Moscow late one night 
   Ab          Eb           Ab           Eb 
   We shared a cigarette, a kiss goodbye 
       Cm       Bb          Ab         Eb         
   Her name was Cayenne, so young and soft 
       Cm             Bb         Ab           Eb 
   Her hands trembled badly, her eyes trailed off 
      Cm          Bb       Ab        Eb 
   To bottles and objects around the room 
      Cm         Bb    Ab      Eb 
   My backup guitar, a tray of food  

   Ab       Eb        Ab          Eb 
   We didn't have very much to say 
       Ab              Eb        Ab              Eb                
   She said that she'd come from some other place 
     Cm          Bb       Ab      Eb 
   A town called Troyskirt, maybe Troysworth 
         Cm         Bb     Ab         Eb 
   I was pretty distracted packing my stuff 
         Cm         Bb       Ab         Eb 
   But I did make a point to ask her to stay 
           Cm           Bb               Ab        Eb 
   But she said she had friends that she had to go see 

Ab            Eb       Ab           Eb 
   Later that summer I picked up my mail 
       Ab        Eb            Ab            Eb 
   She sent me a letter with a touching detail 
      Cm         Bb      Ab        Eb 
   "I used up my minutes calling hotels 
      Cm            Bb        Ab          Eb 
   To find you that night but to no avail" 
      Cm           Bb             Ab              Eb 
   "I know it's pathetic," she continued to write, 
        Cm           Bb       Ab          Eb 
   "But that was the greatest night of my life." 
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