Sky Ferreira

Heavy Metal Heart

Sky Ferreira

ukulele Easy easy


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Heavy Metal Heart

	  		Intro: F Dm C C 

F               Dm                      C 
I can feel the heat of the light on my face 
       F        Dm           C 
As I'm walking away from you 
               F           Dm        C 
I can feel the beat of the night in my chest 
                  F       Dm        C 
I feel like I'm a galaxy away from you 

F Dm C  
I am losing myself, talking to myself in the dark 
When my body starts to work like a machine 
I can feel the pulse of my heavy metal heart 

F Dm C 
You make my heavy metal heartbeat beat oh oh 
Oh yea my heavy metal heart heart heart oh oh 
Oh yea, you make me feel the pulse of my heavy metal heart 
My heavy metal heartbeat oh oh oh 
Of my heavy metal heart 

F Dm C 
I can see a fish in that smudge, you'll be mine 
Slowly turning away from you 
I can see it all standing outside of time 
Yea, there's only one thing for me, love to lose 
I am losing myself, talking to myself in the dark 

F Dm C 
When my body starts to work like a machine 
I can feel the pulse of my heavy metal heart 

F Dm C 
You make my heavy metal heartbeat beat oh oh 
Oh yea my heavy metal heart heart heart oh oh 
Oh yea, you make me feel the pulse of my heavy metal heart 
My heavy metal heartbeat oh oh oh 
Of my heavy metal heart 

F Dm C 
You turn around to your bike 
I'm never coming back 
The way I was before 
I'm not her anymore 

F Dm C 
You make my heavy metal heart beat 
My heavy metal heart 
You make my heavy metal heart beat 
My heavy metal heart 
You're my heavy metal heart 
My heavy metal heart 
You're my heavy metal heart 
My heavy metal heart 
My heavy metal heart 
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