Paul McCartney

Follow me

Paul McCartney

ukulele Expert expert


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Follow me

Written by Paul McCartney

	  		C                        Cmaj7 
You lift up my spirits, you shine on my soul 
    Am                  Asus2 
Whenever I'm empty, you make me feel whole 
      F                                  C        Am 
I can rely on you, to guide me through, any situa-tion 
    Em               F               C 
You hold up a sign that reads, follow me. 
    C                       Cmaj7 
You give me direction, you show me the way 
    Am                  Asus2 
You give me a reason, to face every day 
      F                               C          Am 
I can depend on you, to send me to, any destina-tion 
    Em                  F              C          A 
You hold up a sign that reads, follow me, follow me. 
	D                           Db5					 
	Down the track of loneliness, down the path of love 
	D6/9                                     D 
	Through the woods of heartache, to the end  
	D                                  Db5 
	On the shores of sorrow, where the waves of hope crash in 
	D6/9                               Am          F            Am          F 
	The perfect place for me to find a friend.  ah-ah yeah yeah yeah, oh-oh-oh 
    C                     Cmaj7 
You lead to places, that I've never been 
    Am                 Asus2 
Uncovering secrets, that I've never seen 
      F                                   C        Am 
I can rely on you, to guide me through, any situa-tion 
    Em                  F              C        A 
You hold up a sign that reads, follow me, follow me, 
        C          A 
Follow me, follow me,  
        C         A    D 
Follow me, follow me 
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